USSA Blogs

How Ski Clubs can be Community Oriented

Monday, Nov. 16, 2015

The strongest ski and snowboard clubs are ones that are positioned to be community development partners rather than just sports organizations. Many USSA clubs get involved with community initiatives, collaborate with a numbers of community partners, perform service work in their communities, and some even require community service hours from their student-athletes. This approach will: Make the club more relevant and known in the community, Increase the club’s base of support, Improve retention, and Improve the performance of both the club and individual athletes.


Developing Funds and Resources for Your Club

Monday, Nov. 2, 2015

We're kicking off November with a conversation on giving. We know the topic is a little overdone in November, but hopefully this blog will provide you with some fresh ideas and a new perspective on how to get your club the support it needs. Fundraising typically gets a bad reputation for being frightening and forced, but this presentation from Sport Education Director, Brian Krill, aims to reduce some of that stigma.



Preview the new U.S. Ski & Snowboard website.
